
The Candidate Super Series: 7 Biggest Interview Turn-Offs To Possible Employers

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Ryan Kaye

- May 1st, 2022
Candidate Hub

It’s time for Part Two of our Candidate Super Series!

So, you’ve nailed your CV and know the words you should be using which have paid off and you’ve now landed the interview. Congrats! That job could be yours, so long as you perform well.  Even the most practised professionals feel uncomfortable, which spoils their chances. But with a little prep, you can steer clear of these common interview slip-ups. Here are some tips for interview success!

Interview turnoffs

Tips for a successful interview


The moment an employer asks you in for an interview, you want to blow them away. 

As soon as you set foot through the door, the employer begins scrutinising and taking stock of you in their head and comparing you to other applicants.

So, how you present yourself and what you say influences a hiring manager’s opinion a great deal.

As finance recruiters, we ask companies for feedback daily on how applicants presented themselves.

To try and prevent you from making a hash of your interview, we’ve listed some of their biggest turn-offs.

What not to do in an interview

Here are a few things not to do during an interview. If you need some job interview nerves tips, then it’s your lucky day because we’ve put together the ultimate guide to job interviews – right here.

1. Sounding too keen

The key to interview success is to avoid coming across as overly desperate. There’s a huge difference between being an over-eager stalker and active follow-up. When an employer spots you’re trying too hard, it doesn’t impress them. Instead, they’ll question why you haven’t found a job yet and wonder what’s wrong with you.

2.  Rolling up late

Turning up late at an interview sits right at the top of the ‘what not to do in an interview’ list. The only time you have an excuse to is in the case of an emergency.

3. Knowing nothing about the company

Sure, you have the skill set to perform the job, but have you done your homework on how the organisation operates? Before the interview, be sure to scrutinise the ‘About Us’ section on a firm’s website and read and re-read their mission and mission description. Also, research their competition.

4. Being a bundle of nerves

tips for a successful interview

Your potential employer is seeking a candidate who’s calm, composed, and confident –  there’s no room for worrywarts. They distract employers.

So, don’t clock watch throughout the interview or fiddle with your sweaty hands.

You’ll sell yourself in the interview when your own your abilities. The moment you believe in yourself, the more attractive you become to an employer.

Interview nerves are bound to kick in, but consider getting a loved one to do a mock interview before the big day so you feel more relaxed. 

5. Speaking unfavourably about your current job

News flash: avoid complaining about your current employer. Irrespective of how incompetent or tyrannical they are, gossiping about them won’t do you any good.

6. Outwardly hungry for money

successful interview techniques

Imagine your first job interview’s a first date. It’s a chance for you and the hiring manager to understand one another a little more to see if you’re compatible.

What not to ask in an interview? About pay and perks. Asking about these too soon is a real turn-off.

First and foremost, demonstrate to the hiring manager that you have the necessary expertise and skill set to add value to their firm.

So, in the first interview, don’t talk about salary, holiday days, bonuses, and promotions. These topics are taboo. Ask them once you’ve been offered the job – during negotiation.

7. Hesitant answering and rambling

One of the worst things you can do in an interview is to give rambling answers to questions. When you’re asked a question, try to answer it as simply and concisely as you can. And don’t share unrelated, longwinded stories that don’t answer the question, as this will go against you.

Don’t mess it up when you score your big interview

The secret to successful interviews is this: concentrate on the hiring manager and show them you’re prepared and interested in the job. Don’t underestimate your abilities – it’s an opportunity to boast about your experience and share how you’ll bring value to the company. For tips on being happy at work, be sure to look at our blog post.

Here’s to helping you shine in the interview. You got this!