What we retain in our internal database – registration
When a candidate registers with Market Talent, a registration form is completed. This form is scanned and retained
- First and surnames
- Current or previous salary / pay rate & benefits package
- Desired salary / pay rate
- Full home address
- Eligibility to work in the UK including full details of visa if applicable
- Home, work & mobile phone numbers
- Names of current and previous employers, the dates worked at each institution and job titles
- Notice period & availability
- Language skills
- Next of kin details
- Criminal conviction and CCJ information
- Directorships (if any)
- Planned holiday dates
- Details of education including name of school / college / university or other institution, subjects studied and grades / pass marks attained
- Any professional qualifications and memberships
In addition, we will ask for and retain a copy of the candidate’s passport and visa
What we pass to our clients – application phase
When we submit a CV to a client in application for a new role, we will include the following information.
- Christian and surname
- Current or previous salary / pay rate & benefits package
- Desired salary / pay rate
- Town or county of residence
- Eligibility to work in the UK including full details of visa if applicable
- Names of current and previous employers, the dates worked at each institution and job titles
- Notice period & availability
- Planned holiday dates
- Details of education including name of school / college / university or other institution, subjects studied and grades / pass marks attained
- Any professional qualifications and memberships
What we do not include
- Date of birth or age
- Personal email address
- Telephone numbers
- Specifics of home address
- Gender
- Marital status
What we pass to our clients – offer phase
When we have secured a verbal offer of permanent employment from a client, we will be asked to supply the following information:
- Full name
- Date of birth
- Full home address
- Email address
- Mobile of home phone number
- Copy of passport and visa (if applicable)
When we have secured a verbal offer of temporary employment – whereby the candidate will be paid through Market Talent payroll – we will pass on the following information to the following 3rd parties
Credit reference agencies
- 5 years home address details including month and year the candidate moved in and out of each address
- Full date of birth
Previous employers
- Full name
- National Insurance number
- Staff number (if applicable)
- Full date of birth
- Dates of employment
- Job title